Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Europe, here I come!

Finally it's the time for vacation!!! So if you are trying to email me from my website , then SORRY! but I will be roaming around in the streets of Barcelona, or maybe sitting at the beach in Cannes / Nice, or gambling in Monte Carlo, or shopping in Milan, or visiting musuems in Florence, or riding watertaxi in Venice..... but probably not sitting in front of my computer working. (ok fine.. i am actually addicted to email, so I will still check my email frequently probably)

Anyways, if you are trying to contact me and I don't reply, you know where I am!

I will post some pictures when I get back!!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

The moon festival!

The moon / mid autumn festival!! To reminisce the old times where you hold a lantern and run around for no reasons, or when you boil the wax to create fire that is 2 stories high, or when you eat mooncakes till you can't eat it anymore.... the good ol' days.

Nowadays, we don't really do those anymore. And traditional mooncakes are supplemented by new ages ones, how about coffee flavored mooncakes?? Ice skinned green bean mooncakes?? oh well, what can I say, I like all of those! me and dessert!

As I don't set out fire hazards anymore, then the only good use for the time is to take some pictures of the moon:

Enjoy! Happy mid autumn!

(photo taken from the balcony of my home. obviously "digital zoomed", but otherwise come straight from the camera.... except for the text that is)